The Parish School of Religion at Saint Matthew promotes the knowledge and love of God and His Catholic Church. We teach, pray, read the Sacred Scriptures, provide liturgical education, provide moral formation, foster a sense of justice and fairness, respect for life and a missionary spirit.
We are assistants to the parents who are the primary educators of their children. This is made very clear in the Rite of Baptism where it states that parents "who ask to have their child baptized are accepting the responsibility of training them in the practice of the faith. It is the parents' duty to bring them up to keep God's commandments, as Christ taught us, by loving God and our neighbor."
We also provide continuing education for adults.
Kindergarten, Sunday 9:00 am Grade 1 - 2, Sunday 9:00 am Grade 3-5, Tuesday 7:00 pm
Grado 1 en Español, Domingo 11:00 am Grado 2 en Español, Domingo 11:00 am
Middle School Edge, Tuesday 6:30pm High School Life Teen, Wednesday 6:30pm